Hiya Fellow Fashionistas!!!!! I just completed an hour-long radio interview with Pamela Stitch of SARFM Radio in New York. Pamela is proudly African and is a complete supporter of African Arts and Music. Her love for African Music led her to work with Southern African Radio Station (www.sarfmradio.com) about 2.5 years ago, where she won best Radio Presenter for the Year 2006.
Check out Pamela's African Loft Page right here.
We discussed fashion, fashion, more fashion, social entrepreneurism, fair trade, community development, eco-friendly fashion, Kiva, philanthropy, and micro-financing. We also discussed
Boutique Mix's 2008
Pledge Campaign to rebuild Sierra Leone and impoverished Africa, one innocent child at a time. Thanks to Pamela and everyone at SARFM for all their fabulous support!!!!
SARFM(otherwise Known as the Heartbeat of Africa in New York) is an internet based radio station that broadcasts 24 hours from New York City. It was started in April 2005 with the goal of providing radio programming similar to that found in their homeland to millions of Africans in the Diasporas. Chaka Ngwenya is a popular Radio personality from Africa and is the Founder and CEO of SARFM. After analyzing public information regarding radio programming in New York city as well as the influx of support from the African American, Caribbean and Spanish community [they] have restructured [their] programming to meet the needs of a broader demographic.
Visit SARFM Right Here!!
Pamela's Picture Source