Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kreative Mix Side Hustle: Writing on topics you love

For those of you who love reading, writing or doing anything intellectually stimulating, and are looking for a great side hustle where you get paid to write, consider writing for the Examiner Newspaper online at (referral link below).

I write for and was the DC fashion examiner until a few weeks ago. I am now the National Fashion Examiner. I enjoy it immensely and have a lot of flexibility. You get out of it as much as you put in. You can write on any of the open topics available or you may suggest your own topic in any city in the U.S. You may write locally for your city or nationally.

It is fun, flexible, stimulating and a great side hustle idea. There a vast array of examiner topics, including, fashion examiner, natural hair examiner, glam examiner, small business examiner, writing examiner, trends examiner, fashion and style examiner, style and trends examiner, reading examiner and the list goes on and on. Don't see your desired topic on the list? Create yours and you'll be off to a fab writing start!

Here's how to apply (Apply for a National Examiner position or a local position in your city):

This is the link where you apply: In your application, they will ask for the information of the examiner who referred you. Please use this information - Name - MiMi Dabo and my ID Code is 2218.

Click here to read my Fashion Examiner articles and decide if this side hustle is for you!
Want to start a candle business? Then become the candle examiner. Want to open a clothing boutique? Become the boutique examiner. Interested in small business ideas? Become the small business ideas examiner.

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